Copernicus & Polar Regions Industry Workshop
Brussels, Belgium
Polar applications are not a new subject for discussion. Internationally, the subject has gained considerable attention from institutions such as the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) through its Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). The European Space Agency (ESA), from its side, touches upon the topic via its Climate Change Initiative (CCI) and Polaris. In 2016, the European Union even adopted an integrated EU Policy for the Arctic, aiming to contribute to a stable, safe, sustainable and prosperous Arctic.
For Copernicus, the Copernicus Polar and Snow Cover Applications User Requirements Workshop of 23 June 2016 welcomed a series of users, service providers, representatives from the scientific community, the European Commission, ESA, EUMETSAT and industry representatives, to gather a set of requirements to be fulfilled by the evolution of the Copernicus Space Component. This process was finalized by the work of the Polar Expert Group in Spring/Summer 2017, which has made an analysis providing a list of requirements and priorities, including the required space technologies to achieve this, in a series of two reports. These activities contribute to the general exercise in which the requirements for the evolution of the Copernicus Space Component are defined.
This workshop is an opportunity to present the roadmap of Copernicus in this area and to raise awareness concerning the defined offer of products and services for the industry and related stakeholders. The discussions will be based on the EU Arctic Policy, which identifies three policy areas:
1. Climate Change and Safeguarding the Arctic Environment (livelihoods of indigenous peoples, Arctic environment)
2. Sustainable Development in and around the Arctic (exploitation of natural resources e.g. fish, minerals, avoiding oil and gas spills), « Blue economy », safe and reliable navigation (NE Passage…)
3. International Cooperation on Arctic Issues (scientific research, EU and bilateral cooperation projects, fisheries management/ecosystems protection, commercial fishing)
This event is open and free to registered participants.
The registration will close on 5 November 2018.
Note that in case the number of participants reaches the maximum capacity of the venue, registration might close at an earlier date.
For further information please visit