OCEAN:ICE WP3 Webinar - Ice sheet mass balance, forcing and dynamics
The OCEAN:ICE is an EU-funded Horizon2020 project, and assess the impacts of key Antarctic Ice Sheet and Southern Ocean processes on Planet Earth, via their influence on sea level rise, deep water formation, ocean circulation and climate.
Work Package 3 focuses on providing updated values and uncertainties for freshwater fluxes from the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the ocean over the satellite observational period to the present day, including surface melt and runoff, ice flow, basal melt and calving. WP3 assess uncertainty in the updated freshwater fluxes and will deliver improved dynamical ice sheet model process representation.
This webinar will feature talks by Work Package Lead Dr. Ruth Mottram and senior scientists, followed by a public Q&A session.
The OCEAN:ICE webinar series is hosted and coordinated by the European Polar Board, in conjunction with the OCEAN:ICE Project Coordinator and WP Leads.
A recording of the webinar will be publicly available afterwards on the OCEAN:ICE YouTube channel.
Register for the webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MX-Zy9FhTBiz4FfpC1SDAQ