XI Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences
24.10. – 25.10.2019
Coimbra, Portugal
Portugal has witnessed a growth of its polar community, with approximately 15 teams from universities and research institutes carrying out polar research regularly in the polar regions. Polar research expeditions are increasingly more demanding, which requires a scientific and logistical support in an international and multidisciplinary context. The main objective of this conference at the University of Coimbra is to review the most important research results, particularly of the research papers published by the research community in this last year related to science, policy making, education and capacity building, as well as preliminary results from last field season. Such information is essential to consolidate the Portuguese Polar Program, maximize the participation of Portugal in international polar organizations and allow networking and access of information to all stakeholders.
For further information, please visit https://conferenciapolar.wixsite.com/conferenciapolar2019?fbclid=IwAR3-7bfipqpiG39QpNsbf0n6rDOD_5o4kfXFd2SyUEtSH0T4l-QZ8O7ezos