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Arctic PASSION (Pan-Arctic observing System of Systems: Implementing Observations for societal Needs)

The speed and extent of Arctic change is unprecedented in human history. Arctic PASSION project addresses the monumental need of the North for coordinated and accessible Earth observation (EO) and information services. By working in partnership with key stakeholders and building on past achievements, the aim of the project is to unify and extend the present Arctic observing system and transform it into a requirement-driven pan-Arctic Observing System of Systems (pan-AOSS).

Through the principles of co-design, co-production, and co-management, in partnership with SAON, the project will achieve a pan-AOSS that truly represents the diverse range of needs of the user-groups, and ensure they have a voice in leadership and decision-making processes. The resulting system (of systems) will provide unrestricted access to the best-available information that will empower Arctic communities, industries and governments to make knowledge-based decisions that benefit society. The project 's legacy will be an inclusive pan-AOSS that supports a prosperous, sustainable and environmentally secure Arctic, today and for many years into the future.

The nine objectives of Arctic PASSION are:

O1 - Augment and integrate Arctic Observations: Co-develop and extend the present observation network into a requirement-driven, adaptive system that serves societal needs. Enhance the contribution of ILK and CBM within the pan-AOSS, working in partnership with Copernicus, SAON, ESA, EU and non-EU Arctic projects.

O2 - Improve Arctic Data Management: Substantially enhance handling, archiving and interoperability of environmental data in the Arctic to improve the user-experience. Foster coherent data management and protocols using GEOSS Data Management Principles and ensure that best practices align with INSPIRE.

O3 - Optimize Arctic Observations: Utilise numerical modelling to improve the impact of specific observing system elements on the design of in-situ and EO observations, monitoring efforts and prediction capabilities.

O4 - Deliver Vital Pilot Services: Deliver a new set of innovative EuroGEO services for the Arctic by co-developing crucial Pilot Services with end-users to satisfy Arctic information needs and improve safety.

O5 - Quantify Societal Benefit of a pan-AOSS: Develop the business case for a pan-AOSS through evaluation of societal benefits, economic viability and its TRLs. Quantify the benefits of new data and Pilot Services.

O6 - Enhance International Collaboration and Clustering and Upgrading ArcticGEO in GEO: Strengthen European and international integration and co-ordination of a pan-AOSS. Jointly with SAON, upgrade ArcticGEO to GEO Initiative status building on the GEO Cold Regions Initiative.

O7 - Provide Decision Making and Policy Support: Establish meaningful dialogues with local to international policy makers for relevant policy impact and advocacy. Help to deliver the outputs of the ASMs as well as international agreements such as 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Paris Climate Agreement, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, and the European Green Deal (EGD).

O8 - Co-develop a Unified pan-AOSS: Synthesize project outputs to provide a strong contribution to unify Arctic observations, enhance Arctic Copernicus services, advocate an ArcticGEO with SAON and work with the future European Polar Coordination Office (EPCO). Build the legacy of Arctic PASSION’s implementations.

O9 - Link Arctic Observations and Society: Establish two-way learning, disseminate and foster understanding and uptake of our services by stakeholders, and end users, including European citizens, scientists, Arctic local and Indigenous communities (in local languages), operational agencies, the private sector and decision makers.

For more information on Arctic PASSION, please visit