Climate Research: reflecting on the past and planning for the future – An online event to celebrate 10 years of ECRA
Climate Research: reflecting on the past and planning for the future – An online event to celebrate 10 years of ECRA – on 10 March 2020, 14:30-17:00 CET, online
The European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA) will celebrate its 10 years anniversary with this high-level event. The event is open to all, and will feature:
keynote presentations by
• Jean-Eric Paquet (European Commission),
• Connie Hedegaard (Mission Board for Adaptation to Climate Change), and a panel discussion with
• Michel Rixen, WMO;
• Carlo Buontempo, ECMWF;
• and Robert McSweeney, CarbonBrief.
We will discuss past and future activities in climate research. (For example, ECRA will organise the General Assembly next year on "Extreme events under climate change – understanding, communicating, and managing the risks”). Lastly, the Collaborative Programmes will give a brief update on their activities.
More information available at the event website: - Register and let us know if you have questions for the speakers - Download a flyer with agenda and log-in information (attached) Feel free to circulate this invitation to your interested colleagues.
For any questions: