From changing Polar regions to policy responses – Strengthening EU and global climate preparedness
Brussels, Belgium
A policy briefing, From changing Polar regions to policy responses – Strengthening EU and global climate preparedness, will take place on 24th January 2024 (Wednesday), at 14:15 – 16:00 CET at the European Parliament & online.
This event is hosted by MEP Urmas Paet, Co-Chair of the Arctic Working Group of the European Parliament Intergroup on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’.
This event will showcase the latest findings of OCEAN:ICE and Arctic PASSION on how changes in the polar regions impact European climate, infrastructure and livelihoods. Both the Arctic and Antarctic play a pivotal role in regulating the global climate. Changes at the Poles are having direct impacts on communities around the world. In Europe, an increased number of recent extreme events has shown the urgency of mitigation and adaptation strategies that are based upon multiple disciplines and knowledge systems.
Advancing polar scientific research and well-coordinated observations, dissemination and open access to knowledge are key components of the decision making process. This is emphasized by recent European Parliament resolutions. As attention in Europe and across the globe turns increasingly towards the Poles, European projects including OCEAN:ICE and Arctic PASSION aim to present/illustrate status and implications of their current research and observation activities to highlight impacts on the European Union and beyond.
The work of both projects will contribute to future EU engagement with the polar regions and inform future EU policy and are relevant to the recently released “Joint Communication on a stronger EU engagement for a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous Arctic”, and the European Parliament-commissioned report “Antarctica: What role for the European Union?”.
Co-organisers: EP Intergroup on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’ with projects Arctic PASSION, OCEAN:ICE, and the European Polar Board
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