Polar Symposium by NWO Netherlands Polar Programme, APECS NL and the Dutch Arctic Circle
The annual Poolsymposium brings together polar scientists, policymakers, entrepreneurs, artists and other stakeholders with polar activities. DAC (Dutch Arctic Circle), APECS NL (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists) and NWO (Dutch Research Council) jointly organize this polar day full of activities around various themes.
The day's chair and moderator will be Nienke Beintema, a science journalist. Confirmed keynote speakers are, among others, Mike Meredith (British Antarctic Survey) and Kadir van Lohuizen (photo journalist).
Registration is free of charge, but obligatory for attending the symposium.
The venue (Museon) has a capacity of 250 visitors. The symposium will be held in English.
REGISTER HERE: https://www.nwo.nl/en/meetings/polar-symposium
Thursday May 19th 2022 | 09.30 - 19.00 hrs
Museon | Stadhouderslaan 37 | The Hague