Throughout 2020, the European Polar Board (EPB) celebrates its 25th Anniversary. During the year, several activities and events are planned to be held at major international Antarctic and Arctic research and policy meetings, details of which will be released via the EPB website and other channels.
Established in 1995 and recognised as a public benefit organisation in the Netherlands since 2017, the EPB now includes 27 Member organisations from 19 countries, who provide a combined authoritative voice for the European Polar research, infrastructure and policy communities, and the wealth of knowledge and expertise they represent.
The European Polar Board (EPB) is an independent organisation that focuses on major strategic priorities in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The EPB’s strong and independent voice comes from its Members, with and for whom it endeavours to coordinate, promote and advance European Polar research, supporting work to address Polar issues of global significance.
Since 1995, the EPB has had many major achievements in support of the European Polar research community. These include coordination of joint Polar climate research calls, serving as the forum for the development of several large European projects, developing the European Polar Infrastructure Database and Catalogue, promoting greater international coordination of Polar research with partners around the globe, participating in major international projects such as the H2020-funded SO-CHIC, and CHOICEe a collaborative project between the EPB and the European Space Agency.
The EPB celebrates the achievements of its first 25 years while going from strength to strength, looking ahead to many more successful years coordinating, promoting and advancing the European Polar research community.