Nominations are being accepted for the ICARP IV (Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning) Research Priority Teams (RPTs) until 29 September 2023.
Nominations can be submitted by:
- individuals wishing to nominate themselves or others; or
- ICARP IV partner organisations wishing to nominate a participant
The seven topic areas for the RPTs are:
- Topic Area 1: The Role of the Arctic in the Global System
- Topic Area 2: Observing, Reconstructing, and Predicting Future Climate Dynamics and Ecosystem Responses
- Topic Area 3: Understanding the Vulnerability and Resilience of Arctic Environments and Societies and Supporting Sustainable Development
- Topic Area 4: Scientific cooperation and diplomacy
- Topic Area 5: Co-Production and Indigenous-led methodologies
- Topic Area 6: Preparing present and future generations through Education, Outreach, Communication, Capacity Building, and Networking
- Topic Area 7: Technology, Infrastructure, Logistics, and Services
More information about the RPTs and topic areas as well as the nomination form is avaialble on the ICARP IV website:
The ICARP IV International Steering Committee will review all nominations in October and will make the final decision on the composition of each RPT. It is planned that the RPTs would start their work in November.
The RPTs will hold workshops during the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2024 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (21 - 29 March 2024) that are open to all conference participants.
This is also a reminder that all of you are encouraged to participated in the ICARP IV Engagement Process this year. If you are planning activities or contributions, please make sure to fill out the endorsement form on the page.