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The 12th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, as well as meetings for the Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) and...

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The East Antarctic ice shelves may be more vulnerable to climate change than previously assumed. A research team, consisting of scientists from...

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The International Permafrost Association (IPA) and The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) have announced that the IPA Secretariat will be officially...

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Organizers of the 9th International Congress on Arctic Social Science (ICASS IX) special session entitled, "Exploring the User-Producer Interface of...

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Organizers, including The Polar Climate Predictability Initiative (WCRP-PCPI), the Polar Prediction Project (WWRP-PPP), the Sea Ice Prediction Network...

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Organizers of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2017 session entitled, "Changes in the Arctic Ocean and Sea Ice System:...

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Denmark has developed a new strategy to strengthen Arctic research and education. Commenting on the strategy, the EPB said collaborative and...

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The XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium with the general theme 'Scale Matters', will be held in Leuven, Belgium from Monday 10th to Friday 14th July 2017.

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The Polar Climate Predictability Initiative (WCRP-PCPI), the Polar Prediction Project (WWRP-PPP), the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN), and the Sea...

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Scientists from 14 European institutions in 10 countries this week begin the search for the oldest ice on the planet. The Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice...

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