The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW), organised annually by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), will take place from 20-28 March 2025,...
During the European Polar Board’s (EPB) Autumn 2024 Plenary Meeting, held on 12-13 November, Prof. Peter Sköld, EPB Member Representative for the Arct...
The final symposium of the EU-funded EU-PolarNet project, titled “Together for the Poles - Advancing European Polar Research through Collaboration,”...
The European Polar Board’s (EPB) Plenary, comprising representatives and alternate representatives of its member institutions - research institutes,...
The EPB is attending the Arctic Circle Assembly (ACA), the largest annual international gathering on the Arctic, again this year (17 - 19 October 2024...
An event 'International Polar Year 2032-33: From Vision to Action' will take place place on 21 August 2024 at the 11th SCAR Open Science Conference in...
11th SCAR Open Science Conference will take place on 19-23 August 2024 in Pucón, Chile. The SCAR Open Science Conferences are the world's only ongoing...
The 29th International Polar Conference “Dynamic Poles and High Mountain Environments” is set to take place at the Mesnerhaus in Rauris, Austria, from...
The OCEAN:ICE is an EU-funded Horizon2020 project, and assess the impacts of key Antarctic Ice Sheet and Southern Ocean processes on Planet Earth, via...
The impact of climate change is most acute at Earth’s polar regions. The Arctic and Antarctica are warming rapidly, with dramatic consequences for not...
The European Polar Board (EPB) is an independent organisation focused on major strategic priorities in the Arctic and Antarctic. EPB Members include...
Hereby, we would like to invite you to a scientific session "High North and Far South from European and Regional Perspectives" organised by Centre for...
During the Polar Symposium that took place on 22-23 February 2024 in Monaco, the EPB's Executive Secretary, R Badhe and the Prince Albert II of Monaco...
SCAR and the Chilean Antarctic Institute are pleased to invite you to the 11th SCAR Open Science Conference, scheduled to take place in Pucón, Chile,...
Important Update from COMNAP: More suspected and confirmed cases of HPAI in the sub-Antarctic. See graphic display of suspected and confirmed cases as...
A policy briefing, From changing Polar regions to policy responses – Strengthening EU and global climate preparedness, will take place on 24th January...
This year’s EPB Autumn Plenary meeting took place in Tromsø, Norway, hosted by the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) at the High North Research Centre...
The NL Polar Day will take place on Tuesday, 23 April 2024, at Museon in The Hague. Formerly known as the Polar Symposium, the event brings together...
The EU-H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) opens a call for research groups to apply...
The Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operator’s (AECO) initiative for a collaborative network and platform between expedition cruise operators...
The Antarctic Wildlife Health Network (AWHN) has established a HPAI database to monitor and record information submitted to the AWHN on the spread of...
Nominations are being accepted for the ICARP IV (Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning) Research Priority Teams (RPTs) until 29...
Scientific research and studies into plastic pollution have been growing quite fast over the last couple of decades. It is essential that we take full...
The next UK Arctic Science conference will be hosted by the British Antarctic Survey with support from the NERC Arctic Office in Cambridge on 11th to...
The Southern Ocean plays a critical role in maintaining crucial climate and life-supporting functions. At the heart of the Southern Ocean, processes...
The Ocean Race is the toughest test of a team in sport – and sailing's greatest round-the-world challenge held every three or four years since 1973....
A policy briefing titled “Recent changes in the Antarctic and their impacts on Europe" is being organised in Brussels on the 3rd of May from 14:00 -...
While in some traditional societies humans and nature are one, in Western civilisations there is a hierarchy between these two. Today's consumer way...
The dates of the Arctic Circle Japan Forum "Asia in the Future of the Arctic" (Science - Geopolitics - Economy - Oceans - Climate - Technology) were...
The polar regions are unique realms of planet Earth; they are sentinels of climate change and the impacts related to human activity, but they are also...
Members of the European Polar Board will gather in Luxembourg on 22 - 23 November 2022 for its regular plenary meeting. Aligned with the EPB plenary...
EuroGEO combines the contributions of European members of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), a partnership of more than 100 national governments,...
APECS and INTERACT launch a guidebook on how to reduce CO2 emissions in Arctic science. The book was developed by APECS members and INTERACT station...
Together with ARICE, INTERACT and FARO the EPB organised an event called: "The Future of Research Infrastructure in the Arctic" on 27 October 2022 in...
We are pleased to invite you to the event on "The Future of Research Infrastructure in the Arctic" on 27 October 2022 in Brussels, jointly organised...
The ERC, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the premier European funding organisation that stimulates investigator-driven frontier research in...
The EU-H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) opens a call for research groups to apply...
The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) is an international initiative of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the Scientific...
The International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP) is an Arctic Science Conference, convened periodically by IASC (International Arctic...
During the European Polar Board (EPB) Spring 2022 Plenary Meeting, held online on the 5th and 6th of April, the State Institution National Antarctic...
EU-PolarNet 2will arrange an on-line workshop on 7th June 2022 at 13-18 CEST, aiming to facilitate better alignment of observing system efforts in the...
The IPCC has finalized the second part of the Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, the Working Group...
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research is organising together with the Minsitry of Foreign Affairs of Japan three webinars on Arctic...
The UArctic Congress 2022 welcomes abstract submissions to the open sessions to be held during the congress on October 4 – 7, 2022. The deadline for...
The EU-PolarNet 2 / EPB / EU Polar Cluster webinar ‘The new Arctic Policy and Research & Innovation” will discuss the new strategy & effects on future...
Much of the Arctic has already surpassed the Paris Agreement’s 1.5C target. The Antarctic ice sheet is a potential game changer for global sea-level...
The international expert community on sea ice biogeochemical proccesses has shared a policy briefing. The main uptake of this policy briefing is that...
The Inuit Circumpolar Council has shared the Ethical and Equitable Engagement Synthesis Report. The report is a collection of Inuit rules, guidelines,...
Proposals are now being accepted for sessions to be held during the UArctic Congress on October 4 – 7, 2022, Moscow, Russia. Sessions can be comprised...
The European Commission and the European External Action Service will organise a high-level EU Arctic Forum and the Annual Arctic Indigenous Peoples’...
On June 17, 2021 2:30- 5:00 pm (CET) an online seminar will present a report prepared in relation to the project “Overview of EU actions in the Arctic...
Registration is now open for the side event on Polar Research “Networking from Pole to Pole: Facilitating Access for Research and Infrastructure” (htt...
Registration is now open for the webinar 'European Perspectives on the Arctic Science Ministerial Process', to be held 10:00-11:30 CEST on Wednesday...
The Arctic has gained increased interest over the last decade as global climate change continues to transform the region. Norway and Estonia are both...
The next webinar of the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM3) Webinar Series will focus on Theme 2: Understand. An overview of progress in enhancing...
The European Commission and the External Action Service have released the summary of the results of the public consultation on the way forward for the...
The next SO-CHIC webinar will be 'Ocean variabilities in the Southern Weddell Sea', with Shenjie Zhou (British Antarctic Survey, UK), Svein Østerhus...
We‘re pleased to announce that registration for the next webinar in the ASM3 Webinar series is now open: Indigenous Peoples’ Participation in the ASM3...
After the successful launch of our ASM3 Webinar Series with an Introduction Webinar on the 21st of October including opening remarks by Minister Lilja...
Understanding Polar amplification is important to understand the future of the Arctic and Antarctic regions, but is also vital to predict the impacts...
The second in a series of webinars for the EU-funded project Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate (SO-CHIC). The webinar features speakers...
The EPB is pleased to announce it will host a webinar series introducing and contributing to the Third Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM3) process. The...
The EU-H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) opens a call for research groups to apply...
The EU is currently working towards updating its Arctic policy. It needs to respond to two major changes that affect the region and pose challenges to...
A report on research into the teamwork in Antarctic has recently been published, following a project coordinated by Pedro Marques-Quinteiro of ISPA-...
The EU-H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) opens a call for research groups to apply...
The EPB was invited to provide a Plenary lecture at Arctic Frontiers 2020 in Tromsø. Executive Secretary, Renuka Badhe, gave the talk titled 'European...
Four years of EU funding has been granted for another round of INTERACT. Beginning on the 1 January, INTERACT III is now up and running. The kick-off...
Throughout 2020, the European Polar Board (EPB) celebrates its 25th Anniversary. During the year, several activities and events are planned to be held...
The EU-H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) opens a call for research groups to apply...
The European Commission's European Political Strategy Centre released the Strategy Note "Walking on Thin Ice: A Balanced Arctic Strategy for the EU"...
The European Polar Board (EPB) convened a panel discussion session at the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2019 in Arkhangelsk, Russia. The session,...
The European Polar Board (EPB) will convene a panel discussion session at the upcoming Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) in Arkhangelsk, Russia. The...
On Sunday 21st October, the European Polar Board and INTERACT convened a panel session at the Arctic Circle Assembly 2018 in Reykjavik, titled Minimis...
Brussels, 26th September 2018. EU-PolarNet held its second policy briefing in Brussels. Themed “At the frontline of climate change: Key changes in the...
The EU H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) opens a call for research groups to apply...
Join the EPB and other co-hosts, the Arctic Research Consortium of the UNited States (ARCUS). the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the...
In celebration of the Arctic Biodiversity Congress, the CAFF International Secretariat, in cooperation with sponsors, launch the Arctic Biodiversity...
For the fourth EPB-APECS webinar, held on Tuesday 5th June 2018, Kristina Bär, EU-PolarNet Communications Officer, introduced the EU Arctic Cluster an...
The EU Project ARICE opens now a call for ship-time proposals to access the icebreakers CCGS Amundsen, RV Sikuliaq and PRV Polarstern. This call will...
The European Polar Board (EPB) and EU-PolarNet are pleased to announce the launch of the European Polar Infrastructure Database. The database, which...
During the EPB’s Autumn 2017 Plenary Meeting in Bremerhaven, 21-22 November 2017, an election was held for a Chair. EPB Members elected Kirsi Latola,...
On Thursday 2nd November, Timo Koivurova will give a webinar titled "An introduction to the Arctic Council". The webinar is the second to be organised...
The EU-PolarNet white paper workshop was an important milestone towards an integrated European Polar Research Programme and the outcomes will be the...
The EU H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) project opens a call for research groups to...
To honour the 60th anniversary of the Polish Polar Station in Hornsund, Svalbard, and the 40th anniversary of the Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station,...
The UK Arctic Science conference 2017 will be on 19th to 21st September at the Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (SAMS) in Oban. The three day...
L’Astrolabe has been launched in Concarneau by the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TAAF), the French Polar Institute Paul-Emile Victor (IPEV) and...
The Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) will open an extraordinary call for proposals for SIOS pilot projects on 3 August 2017....
A new report “The State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report“ (SAMBR) has been released by the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), the...
During its 45th Session (Guadalajara, Mexico, 28 - 31 March 2017), the Panel approved the outline of the Special Report on Oceans and Cryosphere in a...
France has announced the creation of a very large Marine Protected Area (MPA) around its sub-Antarctic islands in the southern Indian Ocean. The new...
The EPB will host a townhall session at this year’s European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna, titled “Polar change and implications for...
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is in the process of producing a Special Report on Climate Change and Oceans and the Cryosphere....
The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition will see the Alfred Wegener Institute’s RV Polarstern...
In September, EU-PolarNet held a town hall event in Brussels themed "Towards the 1.5°C climate goal - Perspectives from the Polar Regions". The event...
Arctic scientists brought the polar research to world leaders in Davos, with an event held parallel to the World Economic Forum. Arctic Basecamp saw...
The 12th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, as well as meetings for the Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) and...
The International Permafrost Association (IPA) and The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) have announced that the IPA Secretariat will be officially...
Organizers of the 9th International Congress on Arctic Social Science (ICASS IX) special session entitled, "Exploring the User-Producer Interface of...
Organizers, including The Polar Climate Predictability Initiative (WCRP-PCPI), the Polar Prediction Project (WWRP-PPP), the Sea Ice Prediction Network...
The Polar Climate Predictability Initiative (WCRP-PCPI), the Polar Prediction Project (WWRP-PPP), the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN), and the Sea...
The EU H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) project opens a call for research groups to...
Registration has now opened for the 2017 Arctic Science Summit Week. The upcoming ASSW is hosted by the Czech Republic in Prague on 31 March -7 April...
The European Commission has today launched a public stakeholder consultation which will feed into the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, the EU's €77...
The Call for Sessions is now open for the POLAR2018 conference: The joint SCAR/IASC conference hosted by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow...
The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), in cooperation with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), invites Early Career...
In a somewhat unusual project several ice cores taken from Col du Dome, close to the peak of Mont Blanc, and are in cold storage awaiting transfer to...
The organizers of POLAR2018 are now accepting session proposals for the joint SCAR and IASC Open Science Conference “Where the Poles meet“, which will...
Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) International Coordination Office are happy to announce the new online submission process to request YOPP endorsement....
The European Polar Board (EPB) is an independent European Organization of Directors and Managers of the major European National Polar Programmes. It...
At its 43rd Session (Nairobi, Kenya, 11 – 13 April 2016), the IPCC Panel decided to prepare a special report on climate change and the oceans and the...
Polish polar community celebrated the 80th anniversary of Prof. Aleksander Guterch during the XXXVI Polish Polar Symposium in Lublin (8-10/06/2016)....
The ASSW 2017 will be held in Prague, Czech republic, from the 31st of March to the 7th of April 2017. The first circular for the conference has now...
IASC Medals are awarded in recognition of exceptional and sustained contributions to the understanding of the Arctic. A maximum of one award is made...
The “Tinker-Muse Prize for Science and Policy in Antarctica” is a US$ 100,000 unrestricted award presented to an individual in the fields of Antarctic...
At a meeting in Fairbanks, Alaska, March 15-17, the Arctic Council gathered Senior Arctic Officials (SAOs) from the eight Arctic States, and the six...
We would like to make you aware of the call for papers for the joint AMAP, EU-PolarNet and ICES Session on “Arctic Ecosystem Services: Challenges and...
Washington Post writes: Scientists just found yet another reason to worry about Arctic permafrost - Worries about thawing permafrost, and the carbon...
A note released on the SCAR website on 22 February 2016, contributed by: Yan Ropert-Coudert, Graham Hosie and Mark Hindell from SCAR’s Life Sciences...
This assessment report presents the results of the 2015 AMAP Assessment of Human Health in the Arctic. This is the fourth AMAP assessment dealing with...
The official outcomes of the Third International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III) were published online today. The enclosed report,...
The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) is a joint initiative of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the Scientific Committee...
On 3 February, the Chair of the European Polar Board (EPB), Maaike Vancauwenberghe, and the ESA Director General, Jan Woerner, signed a Memorandum of...
European scientists have gathered tiny fungi that take shelter in Antarctic rocks and sent them to the International Space Station. After 18 months on...
The Faculty of Law at the University of Akureyri, Iceland, cordially invites submissions of abstracts for papers to be presented at the 9th Polar Law...
The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), in cooperation with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), invites Early Career...
On June 8, 2015 (Day of the Ocean) EASAC (European Academies Scientific Advisory Board) published the summary of a report on OCEAN SUSTAINABILITY (see...
HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco recently closed a historic meeting of biodiversity and Antarctic experts, convened for three days in the Principality....
The new ‘Polar Infrastructures’ page will soon be added to the website: a database of Arctic and Antarctic infrastructures will be available, as well...